Halloween Happenings at Park Elementary

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Captain Jack Sparrow, an Egyptian pharoah, clowns, ghouls, witches, and even Thing One and Thing Two are walking the halls of Park School.  Who are these people?  Where are the teachers?  Where is the principal? Where are the students?  It seems that everyone has transformed, it must be Halloween time.  Can you spot your teacher or a friend? 

Fall Carnival

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Fun times at the Fall Carnival!  There was good food, fun games, & fabulous gift baskets for the silent auction.  Thanks to all that donated items for our gift baskets.  A great big thank you goes out to Valerie Davies and Lisa Muirbrook for co-chairing this fun event.  Of course it wouldn't have been a success without all of the Park families that came out and enjoyed all the festivities!

Utah Water Van

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Utah Water Van from the Living Planet Aquarium visited the Park School fourth grade classes on Wednesday, October 27, 2010.  Jennifer Johnson and Douglas Mauck presented a program educating the students about the water cycle and the importance of water in Utah.  They brought in 2 large models to help illustrate the water cycle and to show the use of water in Utah.  The sun shone and water evaporated.  Water was sent from the resevoir to the farmers fields.  The presenters also shared live animals that would live in our wetlands.  There were 2 amphibians and

A Box Top Bonanza!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Park Elementary School students recently completed a "Box Top Bonanza" contest.  Park students were encouraged to bring in the pink Box Tops for Education to the school.  Twenty five classes competed in the competition to see who would bring in the most box tops.  Mr. Peterson's class got 1st runners up.  Mrs. Sorensen's class took 2nd runners up, and Mrs. Gardner's class took 3rd runners up.  Mrs. Leifson's class won first place by bringing in 1,522 box tops!  Mrs. Leifson's first grade class was rewarded with a "Pink Party".  Mrs.

Pat Christianson and Cheryl Leifson. photos by Cheryl Leifson